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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Don't Use the ABC Texas Holdem Poker Tactic!

Free Online Poker Games
The idea behind the ABC Texas Holdem Poker Tactic is that is based entirely on the real odds of winning a hand with the cards that you're delt. For example when using this tactic, if you have a pair of aces, A-A, it's the most unsurpassable hand that can be dealt. In contrast to this, if you have been delt an offsuit 7-2, you've been dealt the most undesirable hand that a player could start with. The way it works is that the hands are ranked according to the probability of those cards winning the game.

There's a few reasons why I would not rely on the ABC Texas Holdem Poker tactic. While I certainly agree with the general idea of the ABC system and that the higher cards, for example A-A and K-K, will grant you a higher chance of winning for the most part, I don't think I would ever fully rely on an ABC Texas Holdem Poker Tactic.

There is a very simple reason for this: an ABC Texas Holdem Poker Tactic does NOT give you the flexibility required to integrate all the other variables of the game into your conclusion. What I am talking about here are some critical elements that you should consider when making a decision. This includes but is not limited to your personal play style, the other players play style, body language, blind and ante limits and stack sizes of the other players just to name a few.

And I could continue on and on with the many other factors that come into play. To be honest, poker is certainly more complicated than just considering the card odds. If players were just playing the odds and there were no other elements to the game, then there would not be any real substance to the game. Let us make an extreme example of this: bluffing. The bluff is definitely the most widely known and scintillating poker move at the table. Bluffing is basically playing a horrible hand, when you really don't have any good cards. Using an ABC Texas Holdem Poker Tactic goes against this and would dictate that you instantly fold the cards you were delt because they are 'bad cards' but the player may be missing out on an amazing chance to filch some cash.

The ABC Texas Holdem Tactic has its place. It's a good way for the new players to know which cards and hands are superior than others. It's also a good way for players to learn when they should play and when they should fold so that they don't lose a ton of dough. There's a plethora of benefits to using an ABC Texas Holdem Poker Tactic. If you find that you are having a hard time with your poker game then you might want to think about looking at it to get on a proper course to begin with.

You can also try online poker free over at this other poker room that I usually play at.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Poker Room Review - Ultimate Bet Poker

Free Online Poker Games
Not only is Ultimate Bet Poker amazing because is has one of the best bonuses around, but it is also great because they allow players from the United States. In addition, this is also the abode of many poker pros like Phil Ivey and Chris Ferguson.

I can't stress enough how great Ultimate Bet Poker is. The graphics they use may look a bit dull but you adapt to it quickly. They offer 24/7 customer support so you can reach them at any time if you encouter a problem.

If you're a new player you can make use of a minimal deposit to start. They have a minimum deposit of only $10 and provide deposit options such as Moneybookers and Neteller, but you may use deposit methods like credit cards and what-not as well.

This poker spot, Ultimate Bet, has regularly scheduled tournaments and offers tons of other promotions. They have just recently updated their VIP program too.

If you hail from the United States you don't have very many poker rooms to choose from, but Ultimate Bet might just be the best place even for non-US players. When it comes down to it, what really matters is the taste of the player. You'll have to try out this poker room to see if it's the right one for you. If you want to you can also deposit larger ammounts, and if you're not satisfied you can withdraw your money and try another poker room. You may want to keep in mind that the first deposit bonus is the largest. You will get 110% on up to $1100. The reload bonuses they offer are usually much lower.

If you don't have the money to deposit or just want to play for fun you could also game it up for free with play money.

You can also try online poker free over at this other poker room that I usually play at.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Learning How To Play Texas Holdem

Free Online Poker Games
If you are fresh to the poker scene and want to learn Texas Holdem, you should look for a place that provides to most privacy. You may be thinking that because you are not knowledgable and skilled, that you should not take part in any games. There's no need to be wary, it is the most popular card game in years and there is always someone who is happy to teach you how to play Texas Holdem. It's a lot like learning how to swim - you obviously can't do it on the shore. You need to dive in and take part, possibly go under the water a few times and come back up sputtering, but you will get the hang of it.

Start by watching some of the televised tournaments to get a feel for how the proffesionals play. There are recorded and televised tournaments accessible during most times of the day and evening on many of the cable channels. The greatest part about it is that you can watch reruns of the same game dozens of tiles and still learn something you may have missed before. It is a constant learning experience. You will notice a strange group of folks, from all different walks of life. There some high IQ players who come to the table, some who come because they need to make a large sum of money and some players who come only because they have a reputation to keep up. You'll find them wearing sunglasses, hoodies, champions bracelets and any range of expressions from reserved to amiable. Do not let them intimidate you, once you attain that level you'll have your own cool down pat.

You can learn a lot by dealing your own game. Sit down at the kitchen table and deal out cards for 5 or 6 players. Go around to table to each seat and play every player's hand. You will learn how to play the odds and refine your card-handling abilities all at once. This will keep your attention on the game rather than trying to read the other players. Also it isn't so daunting since there is nobody to chuckle when you fold or badger you when you called instead of raising the bid.

Also there's quite a few websites online where you can play for free while you get some experience. At these sites you can watch people's plays and figure out their tactics without having the intimidation that comes with face-to-face games.

You can play poker online for free over at this poker site that I use.